Author: James Breig

James Breig is a veteran author who specializes in history. His most recent book is “Star-Spangled Baseball: True Tales of Flags and Fields” about the links between the sport and flags. He is also the author of a nonfiction book about WWII, "Searching for Sgt. Bailey: Saluting an Ordinary Soldier of World War II" and co-author of "The Mystery of the Multiple Mothers," a novel. All three are available at His articles have appeared in newspapers and national magazines, including the Colonial Williamsburg Journal (search for them at and History Magazine. He has won many national awards for his opinion writing, media columns and feature articles.
History Lessons

Decades of flag-draped coffins

Sometimes, history repeats itself in perfect intervals. For example, 2014 continues the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, marks the centenary of the First World War and begins the observance of the 75th anniversary of World War II, which broke out in 1939. Over that span, American flags were draped over the coffins of tens… continue

History Lessons

1914 speech saluted ‘Star-Spangled Banner’

Next month, the bicentennial of “The Star-Spangled Banner” will be commemorated. That means the 100th anniversary of the song honoring the American flag occurred in September 1914. Centennial events were held throughout America. Naturally, because Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to the National Anthem in Baltimore, the major focus of the song’s birthday occurred… continue

History Lessons

Key decision on national flag | New Zealand flag

There are two Key names when it comes to national flags. The American flag, of course, is honored with “The Star-Spangled Banner,” written by Francis Scott Key 200 years ago. And now New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key wants a new national flag to supplant the current one. The island’s flag, formally adopted in June… continue