Author: James Breig

James Breig is a veteran author who specializes in history. His most recent book is “Star-Spangled Baseball: True Tales of Flags and Fields” about the links between the sport and flags. He is also the author of a nonfiction book about WWII, "Searching for Sgt. Bailey: Saluting an Ordinary Soldier of World War II" and co-author of "The Mystery of the Multiple Mothers," a novel. All three are available at His articles have appeared in newspapers and national magazines, including the Colonial Williamsburg Journal (search for them at and History Magazine. He has won many national awards for his opinion writing, media columns and feature articles.
History Lessons

Flags painted by Flagg, painter

After Norman Rockwell, James Montgomery Flagg might be the best-known popular painter of the 20th century. Given his name, it’s no surprise that his artwork contained so many images of bright stars and broad stripes. If you can picture Uncle Sam pointing his finger at you, you know Flagg’s most famous work – and maybe… continue

History Lessons

How Pledge of Allegiance evolved

Most Americans know that Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Many would be able to cite Irving Berlin as the composer of “God Bless America.” But few citizens can identify the author of “The Pledge of Allegiance,” which will be recited often on Flag Day, June 14, and on the Fourth… continue

History Lessons

National Anthem sing-along day

If every American sings loudly enough, Canadians and Mexicans might be able to hear “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Flag Day. That’s because every American is being invited to sing the National Anthem at 4 p.m. EDT on June 14. In addition, “The Star-Spangled Banner” — both the original manuscript of the words and the original… continue

History Lessons

Flags of D-Day 1944

Seventy years ago, perhaps the most significant invasion in world history took place – and flags went along. The event was D-Day, June 6, 1944, when Allied forces hit beaches on the coast of France with the intention of not stopping their progress until they ended Nazi Germany’s reign over Europe. Newspapers of June 6… continue

History Lessons

Memorial Day, a time for flags

This weekend, at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, military personnel will place more than 275,000 flags in front of grave markers. The ceremony, known as “flags in,” will be imitated throughout the United States.   Memorial Day, May 26 this year, is a chance to remember lost veterans, especially those who died in combat, as… continue