History Lessons

History lessons is a grouping of historical stories and tidbits. The topics range from the American Civil War through interesting items from around the world. Please use the comments area to ask questions and make suggestions for future topics.

History Lessons

The case of the missing flag

By James Breig The 150th anniversary of two significant battles of the Civil War – Gettysburg and Vicksburg – is fast approaching. Both occurred in July 1863, and both have fascinating flag stories connected to them. Take the case of the stolen Confederate battle flag. It was carried by the 14th Louisiana Regiment, which consisted… continue

History Lessons

Flags saluted on Flag Day

In 1861, the year the Civil War began and with the pivotal battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg still two years in the future, the citizens of Hartford, Connecticut, decorated their businesses and homes with flags in a colorful display of patriotism. The occasion was Flag Day, celebrated on June 14 because, on that date in… continue

History Lessons

A flag can be a burgee

By James Breig When Ohio became the 17th state 210 years ago, it did so without an official flag. The War of 1812 raged and still no flag. When the ‘49ers rushed to California, Ohio remained flagless. The Civil War battles of Bull Run, Gettysburg and Petersburg were fought, but Ohio was still without a… continue

History Lessons

Flags could ‘speak’ at sea

By James Breig Writing in a Boston publication in 1849, an anonymous person shared his “Notes of a Voyage in the Plymouth Rock.” The cruise from Boston to Liverpool, England, lasted 20 days, a span that provided the author with plenty of leisure time to observe life on the ocean. He remarked on story-telling among… continue

History Lessons

‘Flag’ derived from a sound

By James Breig Have you ever listened to a flag? For more than two centuries, Americans have seen them. Whether large and flying smartly in the wind from a mast on the U.S.S. Constitution…or medium-sized and carried proudly by soldiers during the Battle of Gettysburg…or small and waved enthusiastically by families at a Fourth of… continue