
May 15: Peace Officers Memorial Day

Peace Officers Memorial Day. May 15. Holiday concept.

You’ve likely heard of Memorial Day, but have you heard of Peace Officers Memorial Day? This observance takes place in the United States each year on May 15th, just a couple of short weeks before Memorial Day weekend.  Recognizing Peace Officers on May 15 Though it is not a federal public holiday in the United… continue

Flag Information

State Flag Flown at The Gettysburg Address

Pennsylvania State Flag

The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the Civil War, and, sadly, one of the nation’s bloodiest battles. Because of the tragic loss of life on the battlefield, the U.S. Government commissioned a national cemetery on the site of the battle in Gettysburg PA. At the dedication ceremony, President Abraham Lincoln delivered one… continue


Lady Columbia & Our Columbia Cotton American Flags

Lady Columbia Cotton American Flags

Often referred to as simply, “Columbia”, Lady Columbia pre-dates Lady Liberty as the female personification of the United States. She shares her name with many American institutions and places, including Columbia Pictures, the District of Columbia, Columbia University and, now our, new line of American Flags, but who is she, what are the origins of… continue

Flag Information

Liberty Flags from the Revolutionary War

The words, “Liberty and Justice for All” are an unmistakable call for freedom, independence and resistance against tyranny. Even before the Pledge of Allegiance was written, these words carried great meaning, particularly during the Revolutionary War, when our nation’s very independence was at stake. During this time period, several flags bearing the word “Liberty” emerged… continue

Flag Information

History of the ‘Down with the Rent’ Flag

Anti-Renters Flag "Down with the Rent"

A rare flag with deep roots in the history of New York State, the ‘Down with the Rent’ Flag features a man with a horn, a small tomahawk and an Indian headdress beside the words, “Down with the Rent”. It is a lasting symbol of the Anti-Rent Movement of the 19th century, when peasant farmers… continue