History Lessons

Giving thanks and waving flags

In 1903, 300 children who attended St. Thomas Catholic School in Wilmington, Delaware, celebrated Thanksgiving Day in an unusual way. After attending Mass, they “adjourned to the lawn about the church,” according to a newspaper, where “a new American flag was raised.” While the linking of Thanksgiving and flags is rare in the 21st century,… continue

History Lessons

Recalling Joltin’ Joe and flyin’ flags

Baseball legend Joe DiMaggio is usually not thought of as having a connection to flags. But the centennial of his birth (Nov. 25, 1914) brings memories of how often he was associated with bunting, pennants and American flags. The anniversary also calls attention to another Joe DiMaggio, who is associated with flags because he loves… continue


Special Custom Flags Make Me Feel Special

With any job, in any business, the day to day requirements of the work become normalized. The organizational routines are set in place, with people getting the job done and moving onto the next task. Even in the best run and most professional organizations its easy to lose sight of the good works and awareness… continue

History Lessons

Famous bridge opens; infamous Nazi flag is ripped

A flag and a famous bridge were recently linked when two German artists/activists climbed the Brooklyn Bridge to fling two white-washed American flags to the breeze. They later claimed that they were honoring “the beauty of public space” and saluting the German-born architect who designed the span. In 1937, another famous bridge, on the verge… continue


“Thank You” on Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. It’s both a happy day and a sad day. It’s a day to remember those who’ve fought and died for our Country, but mostly a day to celebrate the fine men and women who’ve come home from battle and walk amongst us. For me, it’s pretty easy to keep our American… continue