Tag: Gettysburg Flag Works


Gettysburg Flag Works, Inc. Launches New Website

New Website

  January 2016 East Greenbush, NY – Locally owned Gettysburg Flag Works, Inc. (GFW) announced today that it launched a new website on Saturday, January 23, 2016. Mike Cronin, the businesses sole proprietor, initiated the project to give new life to the company’s online presence and invest in the growth of the business. Gettysburg Flag… continue

Flag Information

Discovering the New York State Flag – Part 1

Gettysburg Flag Works is just a skip and a hop (over the Hudson River) from Albany, the capital city of the State of New York.  For that reason, just a month ago, we were called in to assist on a news story relating to one design element in the state flag.  The story goes, that… continue


Special Custom Flags Make Me Feel Special

With any job, in any business, the day to day requirements of the work become normalized. The organizational routines are set in place, with people getting the job done and moving onto the next task. Even in the best run and most professional organizations its easy to lose sight of the good works and awareness… continue


“Thank You” on Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. It’s both a happy day and a sad day. It’s a day to remember those who’ve fought and died for our Country, but mostly a day to celebrate the fine men and women who’ve come home from battle and walk amongst us. For me, it’s pretty easy to keep our American… continue


Of Mice and Men

I’m an engineer and I like having plans and processes. A road map to guide and facilitate execution and ensure the desired outcome. Being a business owner, I’ve also learned that as the saying goes, “the best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.” How you deal with these setbacks sets an example… continue